I love my job! I get to cuddle cutie pies like this and call it "work." Treyson was a great little man today...he slept well and ate well and pooped a lot...A LOT. His mama and daddy will be in dire need of funds for diapers if he keeps up this routine. I think we went through 7 diapers just in the few hours I was there. There I go talking about poop again...sorry, I'll try to keep it clean. Well, here's a couple shots to hold you over. I'll get more up soon. Thanks so much Tammi and Chris for letting me love on your little man. It was such a joy!
This was an impromptu, quick shoot as my cousin and her 12 week old son, Harvey, were passing through town from Denver to Houston. They had been on the road for 2 days, but Harvey was so excited just to be out of his car seat. I love his expressions ... adorable...
Meet Brandy and Michael and their "kids" Jeb and Sadie. It was a lot of fun shooting with their dogs. A big thanks to Brandy's mom who came with us to handle the dogs throughout the shoot. She earned herself a good dinner that night. It was hot as blue blazes out that day, as you can tell by all the pictures with the dogs panting to keep cool. It added comic relief to the pics though and they make me laugh. Brandy and Michael are both coaches at local high schools and will be getting married in December in College Station. They are a fantastic couple and I can't wait until December.
Back in the old days, ranchers were so spread out on the land that they couldn't attend church weekly or visit with friends frequently so once a year all the ranchers and families would get together to worship and fellowship. My family has been attending "camp meeting" in the Davis Mountains for many, many years and L.R. "Lally" Millican, one of my ancestors, was one of the founders of the camp. Ministers from several denominations including Baptist, Methodist, Disciples of Christ and a few more are asked to come in and rotate teaching 3 bible study times throughout the day and then "big" church at night. The preachers rotate throughout the week so you get to hear them all.
It was found to be most efficient to have several different cook camps divided up by denomination to feed all the people. There are no goods bought or sold on camp property so meals are paid by donation only. Each cook camp has it's own style. The Means-Evans (Baptist) cook shed is the most traditional and still cooks over open fire in dutch ovens. Several of the pictures below are from their camp.
Some of the first pictures are a tour of the area in the mountains...
McDonald Observatory in the Davis Mountains
Stone formations behind the old barracks at Fort Davis
Officer's quarters at Fort Davis
These little girls were playing in the flour after helping make breakfast biscuits...
Coffee, grounds and all are poured into this big pot on coals. The grounds settle to the bottom and the coffee is nice, strong and hot. :)
Drinkin' coffee and shootin' the breeze...
Turning the BBQ for lunch later that day...
Keepin' the food hot at the Espy cook shed...
This is one of my favorites. I love the colors.
My sweet girl praying during the little kids Bible study...
My girls with my mom...
All the kiddos at the Means & Evans camp serve the food for lunch and supper. They are waiting patiently for instructions and assignments.
The lodging is restricted to tin metal buildings with no air conditioners. You can see them behind where these boys are playing. Any family that has attended camp meeting for 3 years straight can build a cabin on camp property at their own expense.
The Tabernacle
My girls enjoying breakfast cobbler and bacon at the Means & Evans camp.